Sunday, January 8, 2012

Read the Fine Print & Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid

Agency contracts can include clauses that limit you from working with other agencies or clients anywhere from 1-to-3 years.

When you walk into a casting and there are 50 other models that look just like you, how do you get the job? It’s also more than your personality because if a client has already worked with a particular model whom they had a great experience with, what makes you think you’ll get the job over them? But then again, what if luck rules in your favor and you land the job. You could work tomorrow or next month. Then after you do the job, you will almost never get paid on the spot. Clients have anywhere from 60-to-90 days to pay your agency, so you might be waiting a while for your check. Then of-course, your agency will take their 20% commission which is the standard (some markets take as much as 70%). Some agencies will advance you…BUT, may add interest – so be careful. Plus, if your page (or account) has a balance, your agency may deduct expenses from your earnings beforehand. Expenses can include costs associated with printing your comp cards, mailing photos, printing photos for your book (portfolio), model apartment, etc…..AKA, Marketing Material.

This industry is filled with rejection so you better have thick skin! I spent 3 months in South Africa as model. I went on almost 60 castings and booked 12!!! Only 10% of models are doing exceptionally well, the other 90% are on the grind, pounding the pavement daily to get work. 

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