Sunday, January 8, 2012

Markham - Spring 2011 Print Campaign

Markham is the largest men's fashion retailer in Southern Africa. It's a lot like "Express for Men" here in the States. We shot all over Cape Town (downtown, near the beach, at an old schoolyard, and inside a studio). It was quite a rush and a bit nerve-racking when shooting on busy streets. We started early in the morning to beat rush-hour, but by the time the commuters hit the streets it was crazy!. We'd pull up to a location, change outfits in this tiny trailer, then hop out and run to the scene to get the shot quickly. It was very exciting!

I really liked the gray suit I wore but can you believe that the stylist had to cut the pockets out of the trousers because I thighs were so big, haha!

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